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That’s a Wrap! July 17, 2012

Posted by frostwolftfirerose in Uncategorized.
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Well, it’s time I put a cap on this blog.  The truth is that over the past few years, I’ve been changing quite a bit, and I do believe that blogging is in my future, but it will not be focused on the Capital Region now, as I have relocated out of the area.

Now, I’m not that far away, and I might revisit this blog at some point in the future.  My gut feeling is that I will be returning to the Region at some point, and I’m sure I will be making infrequent visits, just as I probably will have some infrequent jaunts down to NYC.  But I’ve relocated to the Shawangunk Nature Preserve in Cold Brook, New York where I am eager to learn just what it means to live closer to the land.

I will most likely reinstitute my Frostwolf Pines blog toward this end.  It will be quite a fun journey I hope, and I trust that there will be a learning curve, and that some things will seem arduous and others not so much.  Thus far, it’s not so awful to have to boil my water.  It is something to get used to an outhouse and to warm my water for my shower.  Still, I’m eager to get ahead of the curve.

The most successful candidate for a position is most often the volunteer, as it says about February 23 birthdays in The Secret Language of Birthdays.

So I volunteer to move in a  new direction–maybe even the Volunteer State of Tennessee eventually.  There is a possibility for that.

So tune in to Frostwolf Pines, sometime soon.  Hope to catch you on the new channel, as it were.

Azimuth a’ Frostwolf