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Doom Sonnet #49 and … whatnot September 17, 2009

Posted by frostwolftfirerose in Civilization Anonymous, doom sonnets.
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Let’s hear it for the Sun God:  Ra! Ra! Ra!!!
Yea, do sunlight’s warm rays light up vEmpire’s
Disensouled, lodged firm in this realm of blah.
Sol sets entities ablaze—grandest pyres!
A wave of self-inflicted Gunshot wounds
overtakes the likely suspects.  Should pity
come forth from me?  Sadness rests as balloons
of egos pop left, deflate right.  What shitty
legacies they leave, no?  A festering guilt
doth eat at their conscience.  Not psychopath
enough these, though to be fair some were built
up to take a public fall.  A sick math
that.  But this windigo kingdom can’t last
much longer.  Watch Sowilu burn them fast.


Lots of activity in my life today.  Ah, Mercury Retrograde at a law firm.  Things always get crazy, donchaknow!

I will make an attempt to write a book review of Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol in the next few days.  I must say, he certainly knows how to keep a story moving.

Also, it seems that a prayer of mine is finding answers in myriad ways, and I will have to blog about it at length.  But let me just say this:  It seems my idea of “Civilization Anonymous” might be coming to fruition.  Yea!  I will be eager to blog about this and probably will start in the next week or two. 

Also, I will return to my Tradition work.  If anyone’s interested…